Home » 10 Amazing Principles of UI/UX Design You Should Know

10 Amazing Principles of UI/UX Design You Should Know

The user interface and user experience design has always been an extremely important aspect of software development, and now it’s more so than ever before. Many studies have shown that more than half of the customers will bail out if they have to put up with difficult interfaces or an unfavorable experience on your website or mobile application, which makes UI/UX design one of the keys to a successful product. The following are ten principles that you should be aware of when developing your own interfaces and experiences – they can make or break your product!


1) Look for ways to improve the experience


  1. The design should be consistent across all platforms and devices, so users can get the same experience no matter what device they are using. 2. Navigation should be intuitive and as simple as possible to avoid confusion when using it. 3. Disruptive elements such as ads or content unrelated to the task at hand should be avoided if possible in order to focus on the task at hand without distraction. 4. There should be a balance between functionality and ease of use, but don’t forget that too much functionality may lead people to become overwhelmed with options when they just want something simple. 5.


2) Simplicity does not mean less content


Simplicity does not mean less content. It means more focus on the content. For example, in an email design, if you have a long list of recipients for an email and you want to emphasize one particular person, then place that person’s name in the subject line. This way, when someone opens the email they are easily able to see who you want them to respond to.


3) Use elements that provide hierarchy


Hierarchy is the guiding principle behind any good UX or UI design. So, it’s important to know and understand the different types of hierarchy that exist. First, there’s natural (or organic) hierarchy, which relies on how users are used to seeing things in their everyday lives: smaller objects go further away from us and bigger objects come closer to us; less important items are placed below more important ones; and more urgent information is more visible than less urgent information. Secondly, there’s linear (or vertical) hierarchy, which rely on how people read content: people typically read from top-to-bottom or left-to-right.


4) Negative space is powerful

Negative space is one of the most powerful design principles in UI/UX. It can help you create a sense of balance, harmony and unity on your site or app. In fact, you could say that it’s the difference between a good site and an amazing one. When you use negative space on your page, it takes away what isn’t important so your user can focus on what is. This allows them to better understand the content and navigate through it with ease. Negative space should never be random, though. Rather, it should be strategically placed to compliment the content on your page or screen and make the user’s experience a pleasant one.


5) There’s always something in the background

A lot of people think that UI and UX design are the same thing. They’re not, but they do have a lot in common. For example, both involve creating an interface for people to interact with and both need to be user-friendly. The difference is that UX design often involves the business side as well, like marketing strategies, customer service, and more.


6) Keep it consistent

  1. Shape and Size – The shape and size of an object in a design should reflect its function. For example, buttons should look like buttons, menus should look like menus, and so on. This is part of the Gestalt principles. 
  2. Color – It’s no secret that color matters. Colors can trigger emotional responses; they can also be used to attract attention or show contrast between objects in a design layout. 
  3. Typography – Using the right fonts for the right jobs will go a long way towards improving the user experience (UX). When possible, choose fonts that are well-known and have been tested for readability at different sizes or weights.


7) Think twice before adding something new

A lot of people have misconceptions about what the term user experience means. They may think that it’s just how a website looks or how easy it is to use. But user experience encompasses all sorts of factors, including how the website actually functions, the person’s motivation for using it, and the ease with which they can complete their desired tasks. The goal should be to improve both the quality and satisfaction with every customer interaction. 

It’s important to design for your customer’s goals and needs so that you’re helping them accomplish their task quickly and easily–even if that means sacrificing some features or customizations.


8) Use icons when text is unnecessary

  1. Use Hierarchy to show the most important content first. This way, the user can easily identify and access the most relevant information. 
  2. Consider how users will interact with your interface and design accordingly. For example, if you want to make something as simple as a button, consider whether it should be in an accessible place or if it should only appear when needed (e.g., after a user clicks on an icon). 
  3. Focus on maximizing visibility of your content so that users do not have to scroll endlessly in order to find what they need.


9) Rhythm counts

  1. Spacing – The space between elements should be considered carefully. Too much space and it feels too open, too little and it feels closed in. 
  2. Contrasting colors – A great way to emphasize certain parts of a webpage is to use contrasting colors with each other; for example, dark text on a light background or vice versa. 
  3. Color theory – There are three primary colors: red, blue, yellow. Mix these colors together and you get orange, green, purple–the secondary colors–from the opposite side of the color wheel (e.g., red + green = yellow). Mixing complementary colors together creates an eye-catching contrast (e.g., blue + orange = purple).


10) Minimize distraction with signifiers

A lot of design principles are built around the idea that people don’t like to be distracted. More specifically, people don’t want to deal with a lot of visual noise that takes away from the message or task at hand. One principle that’s used in the design world is signifiers—that is, words, symbols, or graphics that tell readers what they should do next. For example, if you see an arrow on a website pointing to another page, you can assume it means click here. That’s not always the case—sometimes arrows are used more as decoration instead—but it’s important to have signifiers so people know when they should pay attention and when they can ignore them.



The conclusion should mention what the reader can do next. It should also provide a call to action. UI design is as important as UX design and it is more concentrated on how things are seen. Web designers must remember that they are designed for small screens and use their creativity to create the best of the user experience possible. Hire a hybrid mobile app design company for advice, ideas, and expertise in mobile application design.

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