The new world is one that is full of excitement and innovation, but looking back into the past will show you that the world has long been on this track. Are you curious about how history will impact the future or the present? In this article, you will explore how the 1900s has set the course for the new world, and what lessons we can learn from it. To learn more, continue reading for ten things we can learn from the 1900’s.
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The Financial Landscape Is Always Shifting
Money makes the world go ’round, as the old saying goes. Through the history of the Great Depression and The Roaring Twenties, the American financial landscape has undergone some tremendous changes. As an example, there is plenty of information from 1950 census records that show just how different the financial landscape was in past decades.
It was difficult for someone alive during the depression to believe that things would turn around and become brighter again, just as it was hard for someone in good financial times to think the markets would crater. This dynamic swinging of the financial landscape held true throughout the 1900s and continues into the present day. Whether you are trading stocks are searching for a new job, remember that the financial world is always in flux.
Agriculture History Impacts The World
The global food supply continues to make headlines as food shortages and droughts enter the news. This was also happening throughout the 1900s with regularity. Agriculture is one of the major driving economic forces on the planet, and recognizing this will help people make decisions that serve the greater good.
In the 1900s, people learned more about how weather impacts crop yields and harvests. Nations also began to get into business with farmers to gain more control and precision over the food supply. In the modern world, these same concepts continue to play out as the food supply shifts in several countries and new generations adapt.
War Is Common and Horrific in History
Wars have always been a piece of human history, and this held through the 1900s. If you look at many of the atrocities in Europe, for example, you will find that many of them mirror the same kinds of wars in ancient history. As common as war has been throughout human history, its severity was perhaps first seen for its complete horror in the 1900s.
Any world conflict from World War II to the recent wars in the Middle East showcases how difficult it is for the world to achieve peace and harmony for any permanent amount of time. As awful as war can be, it is one of the most important tools for learning from history so that people do not repeat mistakes. Without such extreme events to use as a lens for the capacity of human destruction, it’s hard to grasp the necessity of striving for peace.
Historical Innovation Drives Culture Forward
If there is one thing you can see throughout history, it’s the fact that innovation is one of the most powerful factors in the course of humanity. Innovation has saved entire cultures from decay and led to endless wealth for others. The human ability to find solutions to problems was on full display in the 1900s and continues to drive humanity in the modern world.
People Are Motivated to Create Art
The 1900s was not only full of innovation, but it was also a hallmark of artistic expression. From European painters to the legendary filmmakers of Asia and America, the 1900s were rife with art from all parts of the world. This could be due to the hard times that the era saw, as art often reflects the pain of life in infinite ways.
Regardless of global conditions, art is a constant form of expression. The modern world is also an example of this concept. With troubling conditions, art serves as an essential outlet for the drama of life.
Technology Is Always Adapting
Technology is an incredible representation of just how far humanity has come. The 1900s saw some of the most critical technological advancements from the combustion engine to the widespread usage of electricity in homes and offices. These advancements were merely the beginning, as the current landscape has built upon these developments in nearly infinite ways.
The internet was started in the 1900s, as hard as that is to believe. In just a short amount of time, the internet has now grown to be a vital tool for doing business and communicating around the world. In this way, you can expect technology’s exponential growth to continue onward into the future.
Politics Play a Role in Everything
The political landscape will always impact markets, business, and socioeconomic conditions. The 1900s proved this concept again and again. While it was quite a turbulent political time, the world also made massive progress in implementing political policies that serve people of all kinds.
Progress is slow when it comes to politics. It’s important to remember that changes you want to see often come in small bouts, not all at once. From MLK to Gandhi, there are several historical figures from the 1900s that show this.
History Repeats Itself Over and Over
The 1900s also showed how history repeats itself. From wars to economic depressions and recessions, the time period was full of historical lessons. The more perspective you gain on historical events, the more you can see how they often occur in cycles. Of course, it’s hard to predict this at the moment but with the passage of time, it becomes even more clear.
Travel Impacts Societies Around the World
Travel is one of the key aspects of developing cultures and helping people around the world connect to each other. With the advent of plane travel and more mapping options, travel has seen some amazing advances over the past one hundred years. In the current world, travel continues to shape markets and connect people who otherwise would have no way to speak to one another.
Looking into the future, new travel modes will allow for even more global connections. Talk of hyper rails and other innovations will make travel a more important part of life in the modern environment.
Health Is a Priority
Given the current state of the world and its recent pandemic, it’s clear that public health remains a top concern across cultures. Whether you are looking at the Spanish Flu or Smallpox, pandemics have been a major story in the course of human history. The 1900s were full of public health events that have made major impacts on the modern world.
In the 1900s doctors learned more about key diseases and ailments that were previously fatal. Medical professionals also developed essential pieces of technology to detect and treat disease. The medical community continues to derive ideas about how to deal with public health issues by looking back at what was done over the past hundred years.
Learning from the past is an important process, as you can see from the information put forth in this article. The 1900s are full of lessons that you can take with you into the future. Remember them and you will be prepared to create a world that is brighter and better for everyone.
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