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Best Website Uptime Maintenance Tactics

Best Website Uptime Maintenance Tactics

The uptime of a website is one of the most significant indicators of how pleasant its life is. In fact, this is the percentage of time when the website was up and running. This value is usually presented as a percentage, which measures the proportion of time that the website was operational to any length of time. Indicative maximum limits are 99.99% or even 99% across the board is common. But nobody would ever write about a hundred percent because there are far too many factors to consider. Every second, the risk of website failure due to a plethora of reasons emerges.website uptime indicator

The concept of downtime is the opposite of this idea. Website down time, sometimes known as server outage, refers to the period of time when a server (hosting) is unavailable for users due to some technical reason. Downtime is defined in the service level agreement, which is known as a Service Level Agreement (SLA). Downtime can be anything from 7.5 hours to 43 minutes per month if the service level agreement is 99 percent, and up to 7.5 hours per month if it’s 99.9 percent.

The importance of monitoring website uptime and downtime cannot be overstated

The webmaster and, as a result, the website’s owner are very adamant that no web resources be disabled for even a few minutes. It is not in their best interests. At the very least because the site’s owner profits only if everything is operational. When something goes wrong, it results in losses. That is why, as soon as a problem arises, the webmaster typically tries to tackle it all at once. As a result, uptime – one of the most crucial indicators in choosing a hosting for your website, but not the most significant.

importance of monitoring website uptime and downtime

The aim is for 100% availability, but this is simply not feasible. Downtime can occur as a result of server software upgrades or due to an emergency situation. There is no insurance on any hosting company. Nonetheless, it is thought that a failure rate of 98 percent or more indicates poor performance in the hosting business. However, blaming the hosting service is not a smart idea. After all, your website may go down for a variety of reasons, one of which is typical lack of resources. To begin with, you must figure out why the website isn’t working.

Tools for monitoring website performance

There are several special services available to check the uptime of your hosting and website as a whole because the reason for your website’s outage might be hidden behind various issues. You may use the HostTracker service as an example. From different regions of the world, you may keep watch in a variety of ways. This platform can be used for as many things as your imagination allows. You can:

Tools for monitoring website performance

  • Obtain an overview of internet resources via the HTTP protocol with any ports available.
  • Check for known dNSBL listings to see if the domain or IP addresses are included.
  • Examine the website’s database and data integrity performance.
  • Examine the response time for a certain number of requests on a web site, for example.
  • Using SNMP, you can monitor your network’s infrastructure.
  • Examine the status of the server (CPU, RAM, disk, file system, SQL port/server connection time).

If one of the running tests finds an issue, the system will notify the user. The system sends a notification to the webmaster by email, Skype, Hangouts, Viber, Telegram, and other messaging applications if this is possible. If the webmaster is unavailable, the system can also send an SMS or call him on his phone.

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