Discs are the spongy cushions that separate the spine’s bones (vertebrae) and prevent vertebrae from rubbing together. Age-related issues and injuries can sometimes cause your disc to bulge, necessitating bulging and herniated disc chiropractor.
Herniated Disc
A herniated disc is a common but painful and debilitating condition. It can cause discomfort, numbness, or stiffness in the limb requiring herniated disc chiropractor.
Bulging Disc
A bulging disc is different from a herniated disc. It occurs when there is a shift in your nucleus to the disc’s outer ring. The change causes the outer layer of your disc to compress and become flattened, looking like it is bulging outward.
A bulging disc is mainly caused by age-related wear & tear. However, accidents such as car crashes can also cause a bulging disc.
Chiropractic Treatment
A bulging or herniated disc can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. Chiropractic therapy is a safe technique to treat these symptoms.
You could find that you can reduce your pain and move around more easily again without surgery. Many bulging and herniated discs prefer chiropractic treatment since it is non-invasive and does not require medicines or injections.
Once you’ve received your diagnosis, you and your chiropractor can communicate to choose the best treatment option for your situation.
Chiropractic Methods for Herniated and Bulging Discs
Herniated Disc Flexion-distraction Technique
The flexion-distraction technique is a standard chiropractic treatment that can treat herniated disc problems. The method uses a specialized table that lightly stretches the spine.
Instead, the gentle pumping of the flexion-distraction technique to the aching area helps the nucleus restore its central position in the disc.
This method can help nerve root inflation by shifting the disc away from the nerve, minimizing discomfort and pain.
Treatment plan
When it comes to flexion-distraction, various treatments are usually required, including adjunctive ultrasonography, muscle stimulation, physiotherapy, nutrition, and home care.
Pelvic Blocking Techniques
Herniated and bulging disc symptoms are also treated by chiropractors using pelvic blocking techniques. Cushioned wedges are inserted beneath each side of the pelvis as part of the pelvic blocking treatment. A
Manipulation Under Anaesthesia (MUA)
A team approach involving numerous doctors and assistants is essential to achieve a safe and successful conclusion.
The anaesthesia used is twilight sleep, which means sleep and sedation are only for a few minutes.
Spinal MUA Sessions
Spinal MUA involves a mixture of manipulations commonly performed by chiropractors to stretch away scar tissue (fibrous adhesions) around the spine and surrounding tissue, including short-lever spinal manipulations, postural manoeuvres, and passive stretches.
Effectiveness of Chiropractic Treatment.
Chiropractic treatment aims to realign the spine and restore a normal range of motion without drugs.
Treatment for herniated or bulging discs is safe, effective, and long-lasting. If you’re suffering from back pain caused by a disc condition, you owe it to yourself to seek out a professional.
Opt for a Chiropractor for a herniated disc in Dubai to make your life easier.
Can a chiropractor fix a herniated disc?
Yes. There are many techniques that a chiropractor can use to treat and fix a herniated disc.
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