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Distance Learning

Distance Learning

The  National Center for Distance Education ( Cned )  provides the public distance education service, particularly for pupils in compulsory education. It educates students who cannot be fully or partially enrolled in a school because of their disability.

For students with disabilities aged 6 to 16, the end offers a specific system, particularly as part of a personalized schooling project ( PPS ) which includes the possible intervention, at the student’s home, of a tutor paid by the end.

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Support For Students With Disabilities

The Platform “My Disability Course.”

Parents of students benefit from a dedicated entry point for information and guidance on their child’s schooling: 

This State digital platform offers content to answer parents’ questions about their child’s schooling and school orientation with a disability.

It is also intended for the students themselves and all information relays (MDPH, teachers, associations, etc.).

Mon Parcours Handicap saves time looking for information and allows you to identify the various contacts quickly. The platform also provides reliable and easy-to-read information on aid, support, and the steps to take. 

A New Organization Of Human Support

Inclusive localized support centers ( PIAL ) have been tested from the 2018 academic year in each academy.

The objective is to improve support for students with disabilities in a collective project involving:

  • Assessment of special educational needs;
  • Diversity of the training offer;
  • Pedagogical differentiation;
  • Organization of humanitarian aid;
  • Establishment project.

The first results of the 2018 experiment led to the continuation of this deployment to change the focus of compensation towards that of educational organization:

  • Coordination of the means of support in the center, in a more global organization of human, pedagogical, educational, and therapeutic aid;
  • Mobilization of all the teachers to identify the needs of the pupils and implement the appropriate responses at the level of the class and the establishment.

This development is part of a more general process of self-assessment and continuous improvement of quality, at the level of the school establishment, of the 1st and 2nd degrees.

The Goal Is To Open 250 Additional Ulis In High School By 2022. 

The ULIS allows the education in the first and second degrees of a small group of students with compatible disorders. These creations will accompany and prolong the progress of the education of young people in ordinary schools.

Considering reasonable transportation constraints, these localized units for inclusive education are implemented to leave no territory inaccessible to students. This movement continues, particularly in vocational high schools. The ULIS vocational high schools are encouraged to operate in a network, in particular, to meet the vocational training needs of students with disabilities.

Pupils benefiting from ULIS are full school pupils; their reference class is the class or division corresponding approximately to their age group by their personalized schooling plan ( PPS ). They are given regrouping time as needed.

The operating methods of ULIS in vocational high schools are specified in a circular on the training and professional integration of students with disabilities. The latter defines the characteristics of vocational training and the systems likely to be implemented, particularly those connected with establishments in the medico-social sector. A model certificate of competence is made available to all academies. 

School and Establishment Projects

Each school and establishment project must include a section on welcoming and supporting pupils with special educational needs. It considers the personalized schooling projects and the arrangements and adaptations necessary for the schooling of these pupils.

Support and assistance for non-specialist teachers who welcome students with disabilities into their class are reinforced to help prioritize schooling in a familiar environment, particularly through national initiative training modules organized every year as part of continuing education.

In addition, a national platform, CAP École Inclusive, is made available to all teachers from the start of the 2019 school year. A real educational resource offers them the possibility of having tools for implementing academic adjustments and adaptations in classes, a better knowledge of the various disorders, and the chance of coming into direct contact with expert peers who can guide them in implementing educational adaptations.  

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