Home » Google Page Experience Update 2021: What You Need to Know About It

Google Page Experience Update 2021: What You Need to Know About It

Google is simplifying the way of user experience to view the web pages and rank them online well. It makes good sense if you find it easy to rank a website and its pages’ ranking and make them more visible to end-users. Taking this into account, Google has again launched some updates that will change the users’ point of view about the page and access them online easily. In May 2021, Google has come up with its new update that belongs to some significant metrics of web pages like ranking, loading, visibility, and user interactivity.  These new updates are known as new core web vitals that belong to the user experiences about page following all those metrics. Your website needs to match up all the metrics to improve the performance of the website or pages on Google. Hence, it is evident for an SEO company to follow the Google updates and change the page metrics of the client’s website to get good search results and traffic on the portal.

According to the new core web vitals, Google emphasizes some standard parameters to check and meet by the SEO agency for improving the online presence of clients’ websites or pages. Let’s take a look at those new updates that belong to the page experience as follows:

  1. Mobile Friendliness

Nowadays, many users do use mobile phones for accessing the internet and surfing their favorite shopping sites and gaming platforms too. However, Google witnesses that high traffic comes from mobile phones that are good to get organic traffic for the website. Also, Google takes mobile-first indexing, as the default result for crawling of new websites. But, make sure, the website has also been made mobile-friendly or responsive. With this influence, Google focuses on the mobile-friendliness of the website first. Hence, the SEO company should test the mobile-friendliness of the website first, as per the new core web vital update of Google.

For testing of website’s mobile-friendliness or responsiveness, you may use mobile-friendly test tools and Google search Console tool. You need to use such tools wisely to test the mobile-supportive feature of the website that should be good. Hence, it will increase the chances of generating maximum organic traffic and crawling the result of pages on Google search.

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Over the years, the page loading speed has been a matter of concern for webmasters. However, it is needed to take care of good LCP or Largest Contentful Paint result that belongs to page speed. The online users will not come back to the page if the LCP rating or page speed is not good. Make sure, your website or page loading speed is less than 2.5 seconds. If your site’s page speed is higher than the value, it might not get considered well to perform online from a business perspective. You need to improve it and take its range below 2.5 to get easy loading of the page. However, it will fascinate the online visitors to access the page time and again to explore it. The user will spend more time viewing texts and media on the page like videos, images, and text on pages. Hence, it will promote the page’s performance and help in generating more organic traffic for the website on Google search. Thus, an SEO agency needs to work upon the page speed first to ensure its good functionality, traffic, and user experience results.

  1. HTTPS Security

Google has also emphasized the online security of web pages that belongs to HTTPS security of the website. It focuses on HTTPS security of data files containing encrypted details like username and password. Such files need to exchange between browsers and servers with security. For this, developers use HTTPS codes to ensure the security of data and keep them protected from cyber-attacks. Google favors the websites or pages having HTTPS security certificates and browse from secure browsers like Chrome. If you are unable to manage the security of the page, you need to learn the right troubleshooting of the website and tips to secure a site with HTTPS online. Hence, this is the key point for SEO companies to ensure that client’s website already has HTTPS security to get easy accessibility online by the users.

  1. First Input Delay (FID)

According to this new core web page experience rule, you need to check the FID score of the page or website. Here the FID score belongs to the time taken consumed on your website for giving the command and its execution done by the site. By visiting the website, an online user may perform actions like clicking on links, pressing keys or buttons, filling details forms, etc. Make sure, the actions or activities done on the website page should be accurate and within 100 milliseconds. If your website has an FID score of less than 100ms, it will be considered a good one. But, if the FID score gets higher than that, you need to restrict it to enhance the functionality of the page.

You can reduce the FID score to less than 100ms by removing third-party codes, compressing CSS files, long Java Scripts to shorter ones, etc. Besides, you should remove unused interfaces, links, and tracking tags from the website. All in all, you need to make the website technically sound to improve its FID score and get a more user-centric approach for it. Thus, your SEO agency needs to work upon the FID score of your portal to improve too.

  1. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

The Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is another significant metric of Google that focuses on a user-centric approach of website to improving its online visibility for a good user experience. Make sure, your website containing media items like videos, images, texts, tags, etc., has clear visibility on the portal. However, it will enhance interest as well as the visibility status of the website online that will make users more interested in your page to visit again. Thus, it will improve the visibility, interactivity, and user-friendliness of the website and divert the attention of online users too.

Thus, every SEO company needs to focus on all the new core web vitals for page ranking and user experience updates of Google that will help you improve performance, functionality, page speed, and online visibility of the website. So, do not forget to apply the latest metrics for your page or website to rank higher and let the users experience the right display of the page online too.

Summary: Google announces the new page experience updates that belongs to to strategies of improving website’s visibility, loading speed, interactivity, HTTPS security, and online visibility features. A SEO company needs to focus on all the parameters to get good user-experience of page online.










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