Home » Here’s why tires explode on the go

Here’s why tires explode on the go

Surely every motorist has heard stories about how tires explode on cars. Such a situation is dangerous since a sudden rupture of the rubber often leads to a complete loss of vehicle control, and the result can lead to a severe accident. To avoid this, it is recommended, first of all, to study the reason for the explosion of a car tyres.


Mostly car tires burst when one of the wheels hits a deep hole at high speed. Also, hitting a foreign, sharp and durable object can cause the tyre to burst. However, the critical factor here is high-speed performance.

Conclusion: do not abuse the speed, even if your car allows you to steadily keep on the road when accelerating to 200-300 km / h, and this advice is especially relevant if you are driving on an unfamiliar or uneven road.

It is worth paying particular attention to this of truck drivers, some of whom, forgetting about other road users, allow themselves high speeds in a bumpy road. But if, in the event of an accident, a tractor with a truck can get off with only a trip to a truck tyre service, then for the surrounding light transport, this can end very badly.


However, frankly speaking, no one is insured against a tyre burst. Sometimes we cannot notice protruding fittings or an open hatch, mainly if the movement occurs in low visibility conditions.

Although there is another side of the coin, the evil care of the tyres of their cars is the drivers. Their explosions can also be caused by a hernia unnoticed on the splint or, worse, noticed but not eliminated.

Over-inflated tyres can also add to the likelihood of a sudden puncture. Finally, just a high level of rubber wear can lead to the fact that at one moment, the driver hears the characteristic sound of a tyre bursting.

This indicates that to avoid such situations, one should take responsibility for ensuring the proper level of safety of his car – monitor the condition of the tyres, regularly check the tyre pressure, and do not forget to change them to new ones when they are actually worn out, so as not to expose yourself and others to the risk of road accidents.


The major tyre defects are tread peeling, bead ring destruction, puncture or tube rupture. All of the above shortcomings, as a rule, are the result of careless driving, non-observance of tyre pressure standards, as well as failure to comply with the regulations for servicing car tyres.

Daily maintenance consists of visually checking their condition, as well as cleaning them from dirt.

First of all, the tyres’ condition is checked, foreign objects that are stuck in the tread and between the twin tyres are removed, the air pressure in the tyres is checked and, if necessary, pumped up.

After that, the tyres are rearranged per the rearrangement scheme, and the damaged tyres are returned for repair.

If you need to urgently buy truck tires online, you can easily do that wherever you are.


During storage, the car tyre must not come into contact with grease or oil. The place that comes into contact with the oil begins to swell, although then subsequently regains its standard shape and looks outwardly intact. However, the permissible load on such a tyre is lower. During storage, the wheels must lie or be suspended from the rim. Before removing the pressure in the wheels, you need to raise a little. When using winter tyres, it is more rational if they are equipped with their own rims since replacing the tyres does not pay off. When driving with snow chains, the speed must not exceed 50 km / h. Snow chains must be removed as soon as an area covered with snow or ice has been driven.

The break-in period for new tyres is 300 km. The surface of the new tyres (the same applies to the installed “spare tyre”) is very smooth; therefore, when driving on a dirty, wet surface, as well as on ice, you need to be especially careful. The tyre becomes rougher during operation.

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