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How Many Takhti Are There in Noorani Qaida?

Noorani Qaida

Noorani Qaida Is a Smart Book That Helps You Learn to Read the Quran.

Noorani Qaida is an Interactive Quran Learning book that teaches Muslim children and adults how to read the Quran in Arabic.

This Qaida was created specifically to assist Muslims in learning Quran recitation using audio.

Qaida is broken into 17 chapters, with each lesson arranged into levels of difficulty to teach Arabic step by step.

The Qaida you will be download on your phone because of its simple features, colour coded Arabic alphabets, and English explanation.

Noorani Qaida’s Advantages:

Despite the fact that Online Quran Academy provides online Quran Tutoring to Muslims all over the world.

The advantages of Noorani Qaida are limitless since it lays the groundwork for learning to read the Quran.

Non-Arabic speaking students may easily learn without a tutor thanks to the Qaida Al-Noorani in English.

It enables the student to listen to and learn how to combine several Arabic characters with various movements.

The user would be able to read Quran completely after completing Noorani Qaida.

The Qaida audio allows users to hear each word’s pronunciation while the narrator explains Arabic grammar and demonstrates how to pronounce each Arabic alphabet and word.

In Noorani Qaida, this step-by-step method of teaching Arabic grammar improves learning ability and saves time.

Kids’ Noorani Qaida

Noorani Qaida is an excellent instrument for teaching the Quran to children.

It includes a well-organized sequence, straightforward styling, and a bright appearance that encourages children to study the Quran.

The Holy Quran magically tells its stories in an engaging manner, enticing both adults and children to learn the Quran.

As a result, every Muslim youngster is required to learn the Quran.

Muslim youngsters must learn the Quran, and studying “Noorani Qaida” is the ideal approach to create a love for the Quran in their hearts.

Qaida can be learned by children over the age of four.

Children will rapidly grasp the fundamentals of Arabic Qaida grammar if they begin attending online Qaida programmes on a regular basis.

Top Tips for A More Successful Noorani Qaida Studying Experience

Recognize The Worth of Noorani Qaida.

Before you begin studying something, you must first recognise its genuine worth and significance.

So, before you go any further, do some research on the relevance of Noorani Qaida or ask a competent instructor about it.

Don’t Attempt to Outrun the Clock.

Kids and their parents frequently desire to complete this basic course as quickly as possible so that they may go on to the next level.

However, if you rush through learning Noorani Qaida, you will never have a thorough knowledge of Tajweed.

which is the most crucial reason for studying it in the first place.

It May Be Learned with The Help of a Skilled Instructor.

Reading with a competent instructor is essential for getting the most out of Qaida Noorani, and always remember that you can rely on your teacher to inform you how to pronounce the words and accents described in the Noorani Qaida correctly.

Revise Your Work Several Times.

It is not simply about comprehending things in Noorani Qaida. It’s more about remembering and learning something that can be learned via repetition.

Obviously, you cannot establish an accent in a language that is not your native tongue in a matter of days.

In Other Languages, Use Simple Accents.

If you’re having trouble remembering and recognising Arabic accents.

They can be practised in your own language, such as English. Fatha (Zabar), Kasra (Zer), and Damma (Paish) are popular Arabic accents in English, for example.

Features Of Noorani Qaida:

  1. Chapter 1:

Single Letters (Huroof)

  1. Chapter 2:

Compound Letters (Murakkabat)

  1. Chapter 3:

Abbreviated Letters (Muqta’at)

  1. Chapter 4:

Discussion about Movement (Harkaat)

  1. Chapter 5:

Nunnation (Tanween)

  1. Chapter 6:

Exercise of Movement and Nunnation

  1. Chapter 7:

Vertical Zabr, Vertical Zair, Reversed Paish

  1. Chapter 8:

Letters with Long Vowel Sign and Soft Letters (Huroof Madd’ah o Leen)

  1. Chapter 9:

Exercise of Movement and Nunnation, Vertical Zabr, Vertical Zair, Reversed Paish.

Letters with Long Vowel Sign and Soft Letters (Huroof Madd’ah o Leen)

  1. Chapter 10:

Quiescency (Jazm)

  1. Chapter 11:

Exercise for Quiescency (Jazm)

  1. Chapter 12:

Sign of Duplication (Tashdeed)

  1. Chapter 13:

Exercise for Duplication (Tashdeed)

  1. Chapter 14:

Exercise for Duplication and Quiescency (Tashdeed o Sukoon)

  1. Chapter 15:

Exercise of Two Duplications in one Word ( Tashdeed Ma’aa Tashdeed)

  1. Chapter 16:

Exercise for Duplication after Long Vowel in a word

  1. Chapter 17:

Finishing Lesson and Revision of Previous Exercises

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