It’s no secret that the advent of the internet has caused a number of professional roles to lose their relevance in the modern marketplace. Countless jobs have been lost to smartphones, applications and automation, leaving many professionals scrambling to find ways to stay relevant in an era of ceaseless progress.
While some have taken the rather Luddite approach of decrying the advance of technology, those who wish to stay on top have been forced to adjust to the changes. In industries based around manual tasks that can now be done by electronic devices, this requires quite a lot of outside-the-box thinking!
With the arrival of the online age, few professions have been forced to adapt as quickly or dramatically as those in the real estate business. Until a few years ago, real estate agents staked the lion’s share of their income on functioning as an index of properties that could be bought or sold; but with online platforms doing the same thing, that service isn’t nearly as valuable as it once was. So how have real estate agents adapted?
The modern real estate agent
Today, the most successful real estate agents are those who embrace change rather than resisting it. It’s easy for real estate agents to view the internet as something that takes business away from them, but the most successful agents are those who use the internet to get more business for themselves!
While there are certain parts of a real estate agent’s job that have been made redundant by the internet, there are others that simply haven’t been replaced yet. With the internet serving as a handy way to get new clients and streamline daily operations, the modern real estate agent can have just as much or more success as they would have had before the internet. So how do modern realtors use the internet to their advantage? Let’s find out!
Getting listed on an online real estate directory
One of the most useful online tools real estate agents have at their disposal is being listed in a real estate directory. These online platforms offer real estate agents the ability to list themselves and their services, enabling those who are endeavoring to find a real estate agent to get the services that they need.
While finding listings is a lot easier than it used to be thanks to online classifieds, the process of closing on a home is just as tedious and time consuming as it’s ever been. For most home buyers, this means that finding and hiring a real estate agent is just part of the home buying or selling process. With a real estate directory, this is easier than ever!
The best thing about real estate directories is how inexpensive it is to have yourself listed. For the price of a few cups of coffee, you can have your name and information viewed by thousands or tens of thousands of prospective clients each year. In this business, you’ve got to be able to know a good deal when you see one; this is one such deal!
Taking note of free-to-use learning resources
There’s a reason they call this the information age. It’s because information is easier to access than it’s ever been before! For real estate agents, staying relevant means staying up to date on all the newest developments in the world of buying and selling property. There are more than you might think, and staying up to date can be quite a challenge!
Luckily, there are a wide variety of free-to-use learning tools available online that make staying in the know easier than it’s ever been. Whether you’re looking for the definition of a term you haven’t heard for ages or simply want to know the median market price for homes in a certain area, there are a plethora of tools that will do the trick nicely.
With these tools, real estate professionals can constantly update their knowledge of their profession, staying sharp and always being ready to provide the kind of insider information that they’re required to provide. When providing a source of information like this, real estate professionals have no trouble finding work!
For many among the newer generation of real estate professionals, social media is used religiously for a variety of reasons, from keeping up with friends to planning events and more. There is, however, another reason forward-facing real estate professionals use social media: to market themselves and their services!
Social media is a powerful tool when used properly, and can be a great way to advertise and market the services that a real estate agent offers. With handy features such as demographic- and location-based targeting, social media can result in an influx of dozens or even hundreds of new clients that otherwise would have never known you exist.
This handy technology can also be used to create a more coherent image for real estate agents, aiding them in building and maintaining a good reputation and rapport with clients. In all sincerity, there really are very few reasons for a realtor or real estate agent to not use social media marketing!
Creating a sleek webpage
The final piece of the puzzle for forward-facing real estate agents in the information age is the creation of a sleek, modern webpage. A webpage that fits these specifications will help clients and real estate agents connect, and improve visibility in the online sphere. For 21st century real estate agents, this is a must!
Having a high quality webpage does more than just help people find a real estate agent; it also helps real estate agents share their strengths and advantages with their clients and colleagues. The online world moves fast, and having all their information in one intuitive and easily navigable place helps make optimal use of the limited attention span most internet users have.
Finally, an adequately well-designed web page helps realtors build a coherent and positive image online. This is an often overlooked part of the profession of real estate agent, but the image is nonetheless one of the biggest factors when it comes to how clients choose their real estate agent. If you’re a real estate agent and want to succeed, keep this in mind!
In a sector that is as socially demanding as real estate, it’s easy to be frightened by the advance of technology and the elimination or minimization of certain aspects of the career. However, with some creative thinking and a positive attitude, we’re convinced that the modern real estate agent has nothing to fear from technology. We hope you agree!
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