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How to Properly Test a knife?

Properly Test a knife
Properly Test a knife

So, we bought a knife (or we are just going to do it, but we have already picked it up and even got the opportunity to try it out). Whether it is suitable for solving our problems or not, we can only assume, based on our theoretical knowledge about the geometry of the blade, steel grades, which knife is preferable – folding or fixed, and so on.

visit us: Damascus Folding Knives

How it will be in fact – we do not know until we test it. The fact is that we all wield a knife a little differently, even if we try to match certain techniques; accordingly, the knife must be tried in action on the most revealing materials.

Paper cutting

This is a test for the geometry of the blade, the quality of steel heat treatment, and sharpening. For this test, we need a glossy magazine or a regular newspaper with several spreads. We turn him/her into a tube, put it on the table, and start cutting the paper into strips with quick but gentle movements, like a stick of sausage. If the blade is well crafted, has the correct profile, and has good sharpening, you will tire faster than you can dull the blade, and meanwhile, the paper strips will be smooth and with clear edges.

Cutting cans and bottles

This is an additional test for blade strength. Here we do almost the same thing as in the first test that is, we make the same movements, but only on a beer can or a plastic bottle. Attention: before testing, these materials need to be prepared and cut off the tight top of the can and the neck of the bottle. If the knife is good, it will be able to cut the container several times without additional sharpening. In this case, the blade should not be deformed, there should not be chips.

Wire/Twisted Pair Cutting

This is a blade wear test. In this test, we cut copper wire or twisted-pair wire in the air, determining how many times the knife can completely cut through the material without becoming dull. 4 or 5 cuts are considered a good indicator.

Bending at the stop

Test for the elasticity of the blade and the strength of the design of the knife as a whole. We rest the tip of the blade against a hard surface but we just rest it, not stick it, that is, it should still lie a little on the surface and slightly bend the blade up to 10 degrees from the line of the handle. 

For kitchen knives with a thin blade, this figure will be greater some of them can be bent at an angle of up to 30 degrees, although this is not desirable. When the load is removed, the blade should straighten again without deformation. We repeat on the opposite side.


We pay attention to the state of attachment of the blade in the handle: the blade with the handle must be one piece, without backlash and cracks.

Click on the blade

Test for the correctness of the blade geometry – only works on blades with a wedge-shaped section. For this test, you will need an ear for music. The knife is loosely fixed or held in the hand by the end of the handle, and a click is made on it with the nail of the other hand. If the ringing sound is long, clear, and thin, then the blade profile is correct, it will be convenient for them to cut.

Spraying with saline

Blade corrosion test. For the sixth test, we need a concentrated solution of table salt. With an interval of several minutes, we spray the blade of our experimental knife with it about 10–20 times. Instead, you can also cut foods with high acidity (onions, tomatoes) for a long time, let the knife dry, and, in both cases, evaluate the condition of the blade surface after that.

Cutting Fresh Bread

Test for the quality of sharpening and the correct profile of the blade. One of the most difficult products for knives is fresh bread, which most often breaks or crumbles under an insufficiently sharp blade, so this test is quite serious and indicative. 

Try slicing a whole loaf of white bread into slices up to 8mm thick and you’ll be surprised how few knives can handle it. Of course, this particular task is a priority only for a special bread knife, but as a test material, the baking itself is very good.

Rolling on a rod

This test is designed to evaluate the strength and elasticity of the cutting edge of knives with high-quality sharpening. On “tactical” knives and most folders, the test cannot be carried out due to the large thickness of the supply. It must be done in strict accordance with the instructions to check the blade without damaging it. 

We clamp the rod (thickness from 4 to 7 mm) made of brass or bronze in a vice and, without pressing hard, roll the blade along with it at an angle of about 45 degrees. If after rolling there are no deformations, but you see an elastic wave following the point of contact between the blade and the rod, then everything is in order with the tool.

Read Other: The 7 best sharpening stones for pocket knives

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