Home » How To Respond to Bad Hotel Reviews and What to Do to Avoid Them?

How To Respond to Bad Hotel Reviews and What to Do to Avoid Them?

How to respond to bad hotel reviews and what to do to avoid them is something everyone in the hospitality industry; should be aware of. Negative hotel reviews do have an adverse impact on your hotel business as those who read those reviews avoid visiting you. Positive hotel reviews on the other hand increase you’re the guest traffic for your hotel. In order to provide a satisfactory service to your guests; you need to look into everything from the hotel supplies to services you provide them. For the leading hotel supplies place your order now from the best hotel suppliers such as D ZEE Orlando; and then start working with your team to be more professional with your guests.

How to Avoid Negative Hotel Reviews?

Your hotel experience needs to created with what the guests are looking forward to at that point in time; remember your guests are the force behind your hotel’s success.

First impressions are important, they set the tone for the rest of the stay; hence creating the right experience for the entire guest stay should be on top on your priority list. In order to do so, you need to be attentive to guest feedback and highly responsive to any complaints that come your way.

To avoid the review, you need to satisfy the guest with a solution that turns their negative experience into positive hotel reviews.

Guests want the hotel to make them feel important and heard; it is your job as their host to understand what they need and deliver accordingly. Always ask your guests, not all guests talk about their problems but leave negative hotel reviews instead. By asking them, you will prompt a change in their attitude.

In case a bad hotel review does come along, you need to be professional in how you take care of that. Other guests would be keeping an eye.

How to Be Responsive to Negative Reviews?

Whether you are in the wrong or the right; remember how a hotel deals with its guests is very impactful on its business.

First things first, emotions should not dictate your responses. You need to keep the professionalism intact and keep your replies highly respectful; despite how the guests are responding to you.

It is always important to greet the guest by their name, apologize for the experience they had; and put your perspective forward. If you are in the wrong, you can offer to make amends and invite them back to fix things. If you are right, you can let them know you will however work in making things better in the future; and hope to see them again.


How to respond to bad hotel reviews and what to do to avoid them is tricky; but it is all about striving for the best and not giving up.

There are so many guest types and you never know what is going to trigger who. Your staff needs to be professionally trained in how to respond to any feedback that comes their way. From being professional and patient, to mending their ways for the better.

Knowing how to respond to bad hotel reviews and what to do to avoid them positively impacts your business. How do you deal with negative hotel reviews and turn them into positive hotel reviews? Let us know in the comments below!

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