Home » Linked List In Python: Things Every Beginner Should Know

Linked List In Python: Things Every Beginner Should Know

Linked list in python is used to search by various students who are new to programming language. Many students face various issues when they need to code a linked list in python. In this post, we will be going to discuss a brief introduction to the linked lists in python, their types, and can get help with python. And various uses of linked lists. Keep reading to enhance your knowledge and get to know various types of linked lists in python.


Linked list In Python

A linked list in python can be brief as a linear data structure with elements that are not stored in sequential order. This means that a linked list comprises independent vacuoles called ”nodes,” each of which has the data it was designed to hold and a reference to another node in the list.


The discontinuous character of a linked list, as well as the fact that its reading time never exceeds O, are some of its advantages (n). Because each node in a linked list includes a reference to the following location in the order, it does not need to be stored constantly. Because the entire structure does not need to be saved in one location, a linked list is appropriate if your computer’s memory is limited. As the size of the list approaches infinity, this also means that reading a linked list is linear.


However, the drawbacks make it a unique instance. In addition, whenever a new item is added to the list, the complete list must be updated for the references to remain accurate. A linked list’s sequential nature means that no random access is permitted. To obtain all of the information required, each node must be read in the sequence in which it was constructed.


This article will explain the differences between singular and doubly linked lists and some frequent interview questions that may arise.


Singly-linked list


A single-linked list is made up of several nodes, each of which has 


  • Data 
  • A link to the next node


The layout of a linked list can be seen in the image above. We can see that the head of the list contains data and a pointer to the next node as we work our way from left to right. This pattern continues until there isn’t a node at the end of the list. The NULL value indicates that the list has come to an end.


Doubly Linked List

Each node in a doubly-linked list has data, a reference to the node preceding it, and the node preceding it.


The “previous” arrows in the image above demonstrate the difference between a single linked list and a doubly-linked list. Because of the extra pointer, the list can be browsed in either direction when accessing information, making it easier to travel from node 5 to node 8 rather than starting from the beginning.


“Sentinels” are the new nodes at the top and bottom of the list. These nodes replace the NULL values seen above, allowing for rapid additions and deletions at the top and bottom of the list.


Why should you use linked lists?

Linked lists are frequently compared to arrays. A linked list can have its elements dynamically allocated, but an array has a set sequence size. What are the common benefits and drawbacks of having these characteristics? Here are a few of the most important:


Uses of Linked List


  • The list does not have to be kept in the memory all of the time. The node can be located anywhere in memory and linked to form a list, resulting in optimal space usage.


  • The size of a list is restricted by the amount of memory available and does not need to be announced ahead of time.


  • There can’t be an empty node in a linked list.


  • In a singly linked list, we can store values of primitive types or objects.


Disadvantages of linked list in python


  • Memory Requirement: When storing elements in a linked list, more memory is required than storing elements in an array. This is because every node present in the linked list has a pointer, it necessitates additional memory for itself.


  • Linear look-up time: To find a value in a linked list, you must start at the beginning of the chain and check each element one at a time for the value you seek. If we wish to go to a node at position n, we must go through all the nodes before it.


  • Reverse Traversing: Reverse traversing a linked list is tricky. However, more memory is required for the back pointer in the case of a doubly-linked list, resulting in memory waste.



This article starts our discussion of a single linked list and a doubly-linked list. Although Linked Lists can be intimidating at first, if you get them, trees, graphs, and other data structures become much more understandable!. In this post, we have also discussed the uses and disadvantages of linked list in python.

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