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Procedures for Sealing Travertine Tiles

Tiles Sealing

Travertine is a natural stone that comes in colours of off-white, yellow, and brown and was originally imported from Turkey. It’s most commonly used for flooring, but it may also be used to cover walls and build kitchen and bathroom counters. Travertine is long-lasting and attractive, with the premium appearance of marble tiles at a lesser cost. Travertine is a naturally porous stone, so unless it’s well polished, it’ll discolour if it’s not sealed.


It is necessary to thoroughly clean your travertine before tiles sealing it. Coatings of wax or polyurethane must be removed. The tiles should be cleaned with a neutral cleaner that is free of chlorine and alkalies once these coatings, if any, have been removed. An alkaline stone cleanser can be used to deep-clean grease or grime buildup on travertine if it is highly stained or if you are repairing antique travertine. When your travertine is totally clean, use an absorbent cloth to thoroughly dry it. Allow 24 to 72 hours for the area to dry.

Selecting and Applying a Sealer

When choosing a tiles sealing expert, there are two fundamental options: Do you want a topical or penetrating sealer, and do you want it to be solvent-borne or water-borne? Using a wipe-on/wipe-off approach, solvent-borne sealers are easier to apply than water-borne sealers. Water-borne sealers are more durable, but you must remove excess sealer carefully or it will leave a faint haze on the travertine that will require the expertise of a professional tiles sealing craftsperson to remove. A topical sealer is applied to the travertine and gives a noticeable sheen or alters the appearance of the stones. A topical sealant can help unify tiles that are mismatched or permanently discoloured. Use a penetrating sealer if you prefer the natural look of your unsealed stone. A penetrating sealer provides protection without altering the appearance of the stone’s surface. When purchasing travertine, ask your dealer which sealer is best for your stone and application.

Choosing the Most Appropriate Tiles Sealing Cleaning Company

The majority of people believe that building a house is difficult, but the truth is that keeping a clean house is more difficult. Tiles are notoriously difficult to clean, and most treatments on the market fail to remove stains as effectively as they could. Cleaning services assist consumers in removing tough stains from their tiles sealing, and skilled professionals also offer advice on how to keep them clean. This article will assist you in determining which cleaning service is appropriate for your residence. Cleaning services provided by cleaning firms include marble floor cleaning, polished ceramic tiles sealing, unpolished ceramic tile cleaning, brick tile cleaning, and grout cleaning. Depending on the type of tiles you have, the expert may use mild to strong acids to clean them. Because some of them cannot be cleaned with acids, the expert will clean them with other products.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Sealing Bathroom Shower Tiles

Any bathroom can benefit from the addition of a tile shower. “Should I seal the tile?” is a common question addressed when tiling a shower. To begin, a differentiation between tile and grout must be formed. Grout is a mortar-like substance used to fill up the gaps between tiles. The grout must be sealed. It will be easier to clean, will be protected from mould and mildew, and will look new if it is sealed. Most installers don’t seal the grout since it needs to set for about one day before sealing; you may have to do it yourself. Tiles sealing should be re-sealed every few years in most cases. Failure to seal the grout can result in water escaping behind the tiles, which can lead to mould issues and the need to retile the entire shower. Sealing the tile is usually a personal preference and is dependent on the type of tile chosen. To protect marble, natural stone, slate, limestone, terra cotta, and matte tiles against water, mould, mildew, and stains, they should be sealed. Because stone is naturally porous, any water that is washed over it absorbs and breeds mildew. Furthermore, it is prone to staining. Ceramic tile does not required to be sealed in most cases. The advantage of sealing tiles is that they will be easier to clean and will not absorb any moisture.

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