Toy Packaging became a big part of sales, and it plays a 40% role in sales. We need to discuss several requirements that we need to follow to build toy packaging in the current world. It needs to be safe, appealing, and easy to open for children. Toys and other children’s products should maximize your playtime experience, and packaging should be a part of that experience.
Safety is one of the biggest concerns that we need to remember when we manufacture toy packaging wholesale. For example, to build reverse tuck boxes wholesale, you need proper precision because the toys in these boxes are heavy and need to be concealed properly. Companies in the packaging industry follow certain standards and requirements to build packaging for children’s toys.
Labeling requirements that come with toys
All the labeling that comes with the toys intended to entertain children of age 12 or less should have permanent, clear, and visible markings. All these labels should be included in the product and packaging. This label should perform the soul duty they are intended, and that is to provide information. In Europe and USA, this labeling should meet certain rules and legal requirements to get approved by authorities.
These labeling requirements include:
- me of the manufacturer and labeler.
- The manufacturing date of the product.
- The whole manufacturing and labeling process should be mentioned.
- Additional information about the whereabouts should also be mentioned.
Packaging of a Toy
Every Toy manufacturer and retailer has its methods to package its product. But, according to international standards, many of them have to pay some extra attention to its detail.
The bad quality packaging will make some parts of your toy delivery difficult. If someone tries to save their money by packaging toys in cheap quality packaging, there are chances of damaging the toy while moving from one place to another. No matter if the customer rips apart and discards packaging, as soon as they get the toy. But the manufacturer has to ensure the top-quality safety of the product.
What do we need to Check while packaging a Toy?
Check packaging types and quantities
Most Toy products are packed in bulk in large shipping containers. Ensuring the correct quantity of each SKU is therefore essential for inventory tracking. Failure to control this process can result in toys not being delivered to customers correctly. Check sealing methods and packaging materials. Temperature fluctuations and rough handling can compromise the integrity of your toy, and compliance with the supplier’s packaging instructions is vital to ensure that the packaged toys are shipped correctly and most safely.
Check the shipping markings and barcodes
The box markings or barcodes must be correct and not missing. The inspectors can use very simple devices to check markings and bar codes.
Packaging Carton drop test
Shipping and handling can put pressure on Toy Packaging, which can result in damage that may cause customers to return or reject them. The carton drop test is a basic field test that you can perform on most packaged products.
Packaging Compliance
Overcrowded warehouses can cause inspection issues. So, moving to e-commerce has led to inventory reductions, so retailers are now demanding more responsibility from their suppliers for compliance with packaging regulations.
Safety Measurements of Toy packaging
To ensure Toy Packaging safety, the manufacturer has to keep a keen eye on the following things.
CE Symbol
This symbol shows that the packaging manufacturer has met the toy regulation. Therefore, this packaging is approved by the regulatory authorities to avoid you facing legal issues.
BTHA mark
To check international packaging standards, the consumer will find the BTHA mark and see whether you have followed the instructions or not. This mark represents the approval of the British Toy and Hobby Association. With this mark, you can get the validity to sell your toys internationally.
Reputation speaks
It is better to get your packaging supplies from a renowned dealer. In this way, you will be satisfied with the material quality, and no accident will occur during the shipping process.
Mention Age
You must mention the age group for which the toy is intended. It should be labeled on the product as well as on the packaging. It will clear the mind of consumers about the product and its use ability.
Packaging should look spectacular
According to a study, it is noted that packaging plays a 60% part in the sales of toys nowadays. So, make sure that your packaging looks appealing at the first glance. Good hand sanitizer packaging can give your toy an edge over others. With that, it also provides higher value as the product look premium. Most toy buyers adore packaging more than the actual product. It means that visually your packaging should meet all necessities. So, these are some of the basic rules and requirements that we need to follow when manufacturing packaging for the toys.
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