If the right precautions are taken before beginning, a minor bee infestation can be eliminated. However, a qualified professional is advised to remove bees from larger infestations.
Bees, which range in size from tiny stingless bees to enormous leaf-cutter bees, live in colonies. Therefore, before beginning any type of bee removal without hiring a local bees pest control, it is imperative to understand the type of bees you are dealing with. After removing the hives, beekeepers frequently transport the bees to ‘cut-out’ artificial hives.
It is best to keep an eye out for early warning indications of a beehive forming.
Basic Knowledge About Honey Bees and Their Activities
We should try all in our power as decent citizens to save honey bee colonies that become an issue in structural barriers, but there are many situations where this is not possible. Honey bees have every right to be treated as pests by the property owner if a local beekeeper cannot be found to take them, especially when the health of people is at risk. Before attempting to remove honey bee colonies from structures, it is vital to have some fundamental information of honey bees and their behaviours:
When Bees Attack?
If attacked, honey bees will protect themselves. Unless you are completely protected, avoid disrupting a bee colony. Simply move gently away without swatting the bees if you come across bees that are flying and seem to be out of control. Bees are only aggravated by being swatted. Cover your head with your shirt and flee through thick vegetation if defensive bees are attacking you. You can even take cover inside a car or structure if necessary.
What To Do When a Bee Stings?
The victim is left with a barbed stinger from the guard or worker honey bees. A honey bee that stings tear a piece of her abdomen away with the stinger, and the bee quickly perishes. To minimise the quantity of venom entering the sting location, the stinger should be immediately removed from the victim. Placing a pile of regular table salt and dampening it with water on the point of sting entry is a popular sting treatment. If the medication is administered within 3–4 minutes of the stinging occurrence, the majority of the venom will be removed from the human tissue by osmotic pressure. Carrying modest amounts of salt, such the packets found at fast food places, is advised when working outside.
Bee Swarm Behavioural and Other Information
Although there are some exceptions, the honey bee swarming season typically lasts from May through June in South Carolina. Swarms may enter building walls during this time of year and provide a pest issue. A swarm will enter a space or cavity that measures, on average, 10 gallons (40 litres). Honey bees typically select a southeast-facing hollow entrance with a diameter of 1.5 inches (38 mm).
Depending on the season, the number of a mature honey bee colony might range from 20,000 to 100,000 bees. The colony population will be at its highest point from late spring to summer and at its lowest point during the winter.
One swarm each year is typical for a European honey bee colony, however numerous swarms per year are common for an Africanized colony. When the colony population outgrows its housing accommodations in the spring during heavy nectar flows, swarms take place. The old queen and roughly half of the bees will leave the parent colony and search for a new home. Prior to swarm emergence, the parent colony has made plans to replace the ageing queen.
The bees gather on a nearby tree branch or other object when the swarm first appears, staying there for an hour to occasionally 24 hours. While waiting for their return, the queen and other bees send out scout bees to look for a new place for the swarm to live. The most persuasive scout bee will describe a new home, and the swarm will flock there in large numbers. Any void that satisfies the requirements of the scout bees may be used as the new home, including hollows in trees, empty beehives, abandoned water heaters, cavities in building walls, and more.
As you can see, bees are very unpredictable and can be aggressive when needed. Hence, it’s best to hire a professional team by searching for ‘bees control brisbane’ or ‘bees specialist brisbane/near me’ to not only protect yourself but also your family.
6 Steps to Get Rid of Beehives
1st Step: Defend Yourself
Always put your safety first. Before attempting a bee hive removal assignment, take precautions. Put on bee costume or appropriate bee clothes. Professional beehive removers typically dress in airy, slick-textured attire. You must do this since dark colours and rough garments irritate bees greatly. A smoker, leather shoes, leather hand gloves, and a beekeeper’s veil are also necessary for bee hive removal. Your eyes, nose, head, and face will be protected from bee stings by the veil. Your hands and legs will be protected by hand gloves and shoes. Bees will become calmer and less prone to sting when exposed to smoke.
2nd Step: Check to See if You’re Not Allergic to Bee Stings
You shouldn’t be allergic to bee stings, regardless of whether you have any other allergies. If you already have these conditions, bee venom can lead to major issues like swelling of the lips or throat, difficulties falling asleep, diarrhoea, vomiting, and other symptoms. It may be more harmful for those who have severe allergies. It is best to leave the job to a professional bee hive remover if you have an allergic reaction to bee stings.
3rd Step: Find the Beehive
Identify the bee hives. Don’t forget to inspect areas like walls and chimneys. Make a thorough inspection of your bird’s nest, pots, attic, trash, and any other areas where they should be. Honey bees can build their nests in your walls, ceilings, trees, or any other dark area, including abandoned old cars. A beehive can contain 20 to 80 pounds of honey, which, if not promptly removed, might harm your walls or ceilings.
Bees frequently choose chimneys as the location for their nest because they are at ease and feel extremely safe there. Because of this, screens should be used to protect chimneys. Check any open chimneys you may have.
4th Step: The Best Time to Remove Bee Hives
As a reminder, bees leave hives between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM. The best moment to kill them is just before you leave the hive or after you’ve slept there. If you try to kill them during the day, many bees that were outdoors will return after you kill them. In an effort to rebuild their nest, they will look around their home and congregate nearby.
When the number of bees in the hives is lower, try to destroy them in late winter or early spring. When all the bees are in the hive or nest, in the late afternoon or early morning, you can apply insecticide. Bees doze off in the morning and at night.
5th Step: What to Use to Remove Beehives
Sevin is an effective insecticide and chemical. However, you’ll need to use it more than once to get rid of all the bees in the nest or hive.
If there are any beehives present, hammering on the wall will reveal their presence and you will then hear a chorus of bees singing. To apply insecticide to the hive, you must now drill a hole from the outside of the wall.
Side Note: If you have kids and/or pets at home, it’s best to search for ‘local bees control brisbane’ or ‘bees pest control near me’ for the job as the chemical you use might harm them more than the bees. Also, it’s best not to kill the bees for obvious reasons.
6th Step: The Procedure
Put on the bee suit or other protective clothing, a veil, hand gloves, and shoes after learning the location of the beehive. You are now ready to take down the first hive of bees. To get the best results, always remember to do this after the afternoon or before the morning. You may anticipate that during these two times all the bees will be inside the hive and asleep.
01. With extreme care and caution, spray the insecticide inside the beehive.
02. To ensure that every bee eliminates, repeat this procedure numerous times.
03. After the bees killed, remove the destroyed hive or nest to prevent bees from nearby colonies from attempting to reorganise the hive.
04. All of the dead bees and beehives have now been placed into plastic bags, which have been securely tied and thrown into the trash.
05. Clean the entire area carefully and well with detergent and water after removing anything above.
06. To discourage bees from building nests once more, cover or block all of the wall’s openings, and seal these locations.
07. Put screens over all of the vents and rain spouts.
08. Additionally, fill in all the holes you drilled in the wall, and then paint it to match the wall.
Hope this guide helps you in addressing and controlling the bee situation safely and humanly. But if it doesn’t, feel free to call us at any time.
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