Home » The How’s and Why’s Of Choosing A Sustainable University

The How’s and Why’s Of Choosing A Sustainable University


Sustainability plays a crucial role in the future of humanity and this planet. The Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs promote safeguarding the environment alongside social unity and economic prosperity. It is important to understand that sustainable development thrives upon innovation and research. Which makes educational institutes a fundamental cog of the wheel.

SDG was adopted by 193 countries in 2015 and contains 17 goals with 169 targets. They work towards the common objective of protecting nature, eliminating poverty, and building a prosperous economy by 2030.  Among the SDGs, four goals specifically focus upon the role of universities:

  • Goals 4 and 9 – Universities are the source of providing high-quality education and sharing ground-breaking research and innovative ideas.
  • Goal 16 – Strong educational institutes are an integral part of civil society.
  • Goal 17 – A university can promote partnerships on local and global levels extremely well.

These goals serve as gospel for sustainable universities. They encourage awareness towards these important issues in their students. A refined mindset and healthy curiosity are developed, helping the birth of solutions needed for sustainable development. Management and teaching strategies of such institutes have SDGs at their basis.

As a student, it is necessary to understand the powerful part you can play in building a better world. Sustainability is a vision that should be shared by everyone who is a part of society. The measures we take will bring comfort, security, a clean environment, health, and improved lifestyles for all. Universities are themselves miniature worlds apart from being temples of knowledge. The lessons incarnated here last a lifetime. The approach to sustainability can be much easier to understand and embrace if you become a part of it.

More and more campuses are integrating sustainable strategies to improve the educational experience. A person bred within such an atmosphere can become a productive and aware member of society. Important innovations in areas of energy, social well-being, and economics will come forth from these minds. These benefits are the reason why attending a sustainable university is important.

Advantages of studying in a sustainable university

  1. Learning in a future-focused environment

All of us need to recognize that the world we live in possesses finite resources. Responsible members of the community must take action to conserve precious natural reserves. A sustainable university teaches students to review and renew the practices that can build this mindset. Enabling them to lead a judicious lifestyle in the future that is benefitting yet does not harm the planet.

  1. Boosts employability

As society grows more sustainability-focused, corporations are bringing a change in their policies as well. Candidates with sustainable skills and expressing concerns for the environment are valued by employers.

Studying at a sustainable university provides you with the experience needed to thrive in such workplaces. There is a wide range of opportunities in the form of projects and activities that will enhance your resume. With the assistance of professionals like CV Writing service London, they can be showcased most impressively. A well-crafted document combined with prestigious qualifications and experience can result in promising prospects.

  1. You can know more about a sustainable world

Universities that heavily focus on the SDGs incorporate sustainable strategies throughout their curriculum. The ample knowledge gained by students by these programs encourages the rise of environment-friendly solutions.

Especially designed workshops and events offer active participation in the eradication of factors damaging the world and human lives. Learning about and discussing these vital issues introduces you to ideas never explored before. With other like-minded individuals around you, there is much that can be done to improve the world.

How to ensure a university is sustainable

There are different criteria to assess if a university campus is following sustainability initiatives. Firstly, you can go through their website to know more about their vision and goals. Do they aim to nurture a student body that is educated in sustainable practices?

The topics chosen for the curriculum are also great indicators. You can easily evaluate if they address economic, environmental, and social concerns. The good thing about sustainability is that it can be integrated into any area of life with a bit of effort.  For example, if you are studying engineering, the university can teach you cost-effective construction methods. Or planning buildings that consume zero energy while providing long-term benefits for the occupants.

Sustainable universities also tend to focus on real-life learning through case studies and project work. Solving problems and coming up with ideas on their own provides students with a valuable perspective. They understand the costs of irresponsible acts and lifestyle choices, resulting in gradual devastation of the environment. A university that forces students to simply attend day-long lectures cannot achieve such outcomes.

Lastly, surveying the campus itself can reveal if sustainability is genuinely practiced by the institute. Notice if they use renewable energy sources, encourage recycling, and have efficient yet eco-friendly transport options. Visiting the cafeteria will let you know if there is a choice for healthy meals. Thus, exploring around can be the most effective way to determine if you have picked the right university.

Final Word

Despite the growing awareness, sustainability must be practiced by a greater number of people. The cause needs more voices and actions to support it. And nothing can contribute more impactfully to this area than educational institutes. Students, on the other hand, need to make conscious decisions for selecting a university that offers a broad educational perspective. The more you know, the better you can contribute to the betterment of the world.

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