YouTube is one of our favorite sites. It is without a doubt one of the most useful tools available to musicians for music marketing, but only a small percentage of them use it to its full potential. People frequently ask us how to PROMOTE YOUTUBE MUSIC VIDEO, and the secret is to use adverts correctly. Even if you’ve put a lot of effort and money into making a great music video, getting people to watch the entire thing can be difficult, especially if your name is unfamiliar. You’re basically asking folks to give up three minutes of their time, which is a difficult task. Consider how much stuff you can consume in three minutes in today’s social media environment.
Where Should You Begin With YouTube Ads?
Pre-roll advertising on YouTube are a good place to start. This is a fantastic way to increase the number of views on your music video. We’ll go over the basics of using the AdWords platform, which is where YouTube ads are created. In part 2 of this essay, I’ll show you some hidden treasures and walk you through all of the tips and methods for doing more than simply getting people to watch your music video. We’ll go over how to turn your website visits into genuine fans who will come to your gigs, buy your march, and possibly get you signed because you have such a strong following.
Using the Google Platform to Create Music Ads
I’ll walk you through the process of creating music advertising on YouTube using the Google AdWords platform.
step 1: You’ll be faced with this screen after creating a new ad account, and I want you to disregard the’switch to expert mode’ option. When you click Create Campaign, you’ll be sent to the screen below.
Step 2: Select brand awareness from the drop-down menu.
Step 3: Play the video.
Step 4: Choose skippable in stream, which is YouTube’s term for pre-roll commercials.
Step 5: Give your campaign a name: for example, ‘Rock Music Video.’
Step 6: I’m going to put £500 in the campaign amount and the start date as soon as possible. A word of caution: always set an end date in case something goes wrong, such as losing access to your computer and being unable to halt the campaign. At the very least, you’ll know when it’ll end and won’t have to pay any more money.
Step 7: Networks is the following section. You don’t want your ad to appear on video display partners; you just want it to appear on YouTube videos, not in search results.
Step 8: This is the language portion. If you like, you can search and select English only if your music is only intended for an English-speaking audience. In that situation, you may choose from the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, the United States, and so on. You can also choose to include all countries and territories. It’s entirely up to you to decide. You have a continually renewing estimated audience, as you can see on the right.
Step 9: In this step, we choose the inventory type, which refers to the sort of content on which your adverts will appear. So, if the site has sexual content or profanity, you might not want your ad to show there. Some brands also don’t want to be linked with such content. For us, the recommended standard inventory is all that matters.
Step 10: Next, we have omitted material, which is similar to the previous step in that it allows you to pick items that you do not want to be linked with.
Step 11 Now we’ll get into the ad itself, which is essentially how we’ll build our audience. Let’s call this group of people “Rock Music Fans.”
Step 12 We’re just going to target a young audience when it comes to gender and age. It makes no difference what the family’s income, parental status, or gender is.
Step 13: In the audience section, you may find out who your admirers are. Fans of Rock Music and Indie & Alternative Rock have already been chosen. If anything else shows up that is relevant to your music, you can choose it as well. It will also provide you with suggestions depending on your search, allowing you to choose more relevant keywords.
Step 14: Keywords entails choosing words that people look for on Google or YouTube. So, if someone searches for Nirvana, Nirvana ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit,’ or Metallica on YouTube, we may enter this here. Every line is essentially a fresh phrase that you can insert, and the campaign estimations adjust on the right here. The percentages are likely to fluctuate depending on how many people have really looked for this, so try a few different phrases to discover what works best. Because I’m aiming for a broader readership, I’m not going to use any keywords here.
step15: The placements section is really interesting. You can target folks who might like your music if you know musicians who have a similar sound to you. You may only advertise on their channels if you search for them. If you shared a similarity to Nickel back, for example, you could pick that option, and your commercials would only appear on the Nickel back channel. The campaign estimates on the right show how many impressions you may expect from placing ads on that channel. The more comparable artists you enter, the more impressions you’ll get.
step16:Now we’ll choose a CPM target. This is the amount of money you’ll spend on 1000 impressions. £5 is a lot of money. You shouldn’t pay so much, but my technique is to start high and work my way down to see how inexpensive I can get it. The amazing thing about AdWords is that it will always try to get you the best offer. So it’ll never spend five pounds per thousand, but you can use it to get a sense of how much you should be spending and how much your advertisements will cost. Once you have a good grasp of normal expenditures, you may change it for future campaigns.
step17: The final section is where you insert your YouTube video. Let’s use Fallout Boy’s ‘Centuries’ as an example. It shows you a sneak peek of what your ad will look like. Because viewers want to know that this ad will remain on the YouTube platform, I would simply use the same URL in the final and display URLs. It will display you an estimate of how much it will cost per thousand views on the right. As you can see, it won’t even come close to the £5 figure. Finally, give the ad a name: I’m going to call this one “Fall Out Boy music video,” and then click Create campaign.
Step 18 : When you see this page, it means your campaign is ready; simply click Continue to Campaign.
step19: I get a caution banner at the top of the page telling that I need to provide my billing information, which is why the ad isn’t running. They’ll start running once you’ve done that. It takes roughly two days for Google advertising to get approved. Ads on Instagram and Facebook can be authorized in about an hour, while Google is a little slower. Unfortunately, instead of a few days, they expect people to run advertising for months.
It’s really easy to become disoriented on this dashboard. But don’t forget to use the tab below… …which allows you to navigate to certain pages by going back and forth.
Is There Anything Else I Should Know?
So, now that you’ve learned how to optimize your YouTube ads and target them to the correct audiences, what’s next?
This music video ad only gets viewers to watch the first 5 seconds of your video, when you want them to watch the entire thing. Your objective should not be numbers, as they are meaningless in the larger scheme of things, but rather fans. The words of true admirers say volumes. As a result, your YouTube ads must be part of a larger strategy.
You must be able to attract a following. That is how you obtain a contract. As an artist, this is how you advance and how you make money. This isn’t going to happen by itself.
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