Home » Simple Ways For Building Connection And Community Around Your Brand

Simple Ways For Building Connection And Community Around Your Brand


Do you want 2022 to be the best year for your business? I know I do too! This is why I focus on continuing to build good relationships with my audience and creating a community around my brand. You see, we all want a sense of connection and being. This is our motivation as a person. That sounds reasonable, right? Well, unfortunately, intelligence is not always available. And we often hear something that we do not understand! !

Do you remember the fiasco of Lululemon from the pants? I mean how can we forget that CEO Chip Wilson said that these pants were made for some women’s bodies, which led to understanding. What about reports of United Airlines being towed customers after the flight? Yes! ! ! I believe we have all had the experience of going into a grocery store without mentioning it. He did not even say hello. Now, if you have experienced this situation, I hope you remember how you feel. It shouldn’t be good, right? It looks like … maybe this business doesn’t care if I stay or go. Maybe you feel like you can’t see.

Well, let me tell you – our audience is no longer satisfied with this, because the market is so complex. This means that this is a consumer market. They have many options. If we do not improve our game, our audience will buy from others. It is that simple! ! That’s why I share 3 ways you can start creating links to communities around your brand right away.

1. Provide value that leads to rapid success for your audience

We are used to getting results as quickly and as quickly as possible, no matter if it is simple SEO or whiteboard animation services. Do you agree?

This is why it is important to help your audience succeed quickly before investing in your product or service. Not only will this make them feel good, but it will also quickly build on the content of awareness, interest and trust.

You and I know that people buy products from companies they know, interest and trust. So how do you help your audience win? This should not be complicated. Try making it easy.

How I do this is to determine the numerical results that the audience wants, and then break it down into small wins.

For example, if your audience is striving to build a large audience on social media, you can provide them with three quick ways to write social media stories.

When they start to see the content they are sharing, they will be happy, but more importantly, they will believe that you know what you are talking about.

For now, this is just an example of how you can quickly create these wins for your audience. You need to determine what your audience needs and the fastest way to help them achieve micro-success in your product and / or service.

2. Let them join as soon as possible to build a community

As I said above, your audience wants to feel like they belong, and the easiest way is to get them involved in your business as soon as possible. Now, this does not mean that you can build and grow your business based on everything they want and say.

You are still the visionary of your business. The final decision is yours, but engaging your audience is a great way to build connections and community around your brand.

Below are some examples of some acts that you may look at:

  • Get to know the members who appear and join your community this month.
  • Invite them to join in the filming process.
  • Ask them for their ideas on where to go next.
  • Ask them to vote on the cover of your new book.
  • Use your audience as guest speakers in your community, podcasts, or blogs.

These are just a few examples that can help you spiritually. Now it is up to you to find creative and thought-provoking ways to engage your audience.

3. Focus on creating a positive customer experience to make connections

If you want to build passionate communities, it is important to create a unique experience to show your audience that you see and hear them. What we all want, right?

Improving their experience is one of the best ways to get started. People like to hear their names or see them written on a piece of paper. But they also want to have an impact on the product or service specifically designed for them. In a very automated world, this is a challenge. See you! ! But there are those who break it, so there is no excuse for it. For example, do you know about brand persona? #notanad

This is a monthly subscription for vitamins. It sounds boring, I know. But they do make it better to take vitamins. Customers are quick to ask questions, and Persona organizes any process based on the customer’s age, gender, their medical needs, as well as whether they are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. In addition, each data package has a client name on it. I think, if you ask me, that would be fine. So, how do you manage your audience experience in a highly automated world?

Here are the views I used on my business:

  • They are welcome to participate in the customized video of my presentation.
  • Send a complete email with notes and handwritten gifts.
  • When they sign up for my email list, do some quick research and ask them what they want to learn and how I can best help them.

The more you make your audience feel visible and heard, the more successful your business will be. You will create cities that are passionate and loyal. In return, someone will promote and sell you your products and services. Customer advice, promotion and verbal marketing is my friend’s strength.


I hope this inspires you to focus on creating good connections with your audience and inspires some ideas for how to build a more engaging community. I am happy to allow you to share your great benefits below! And as you plan to do something in your business.


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