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When Does a Root Canal Become an Emergency?

A toothache can be extremely painful, and when it comes to toothaches, it’s normal to do whatever you can to make the pain go away as quickly as possible. While there are many ways you can attempt to relieve your pain at home, if your pain persists or gets worse and you experience any symptoms like numbness, double vision, slurred speech, and fever, you may need an emergency root canal right away. Here’s more information on what constitutes an emergency root canal, and what you should do if you need one.

Emergency vs. Urgent Treatment

How to Tell Them Apart. In some cases, it’s easy to tell when you need urgent dental care: you’re in excruciating pain, your mouth is bleeding profusely, or you’ve discovered a broken or loose tooth. But what about those times when dentists describe urgent dental care and root canals as emergency procedures? How do you know which procedure is most urgent–and how soon should you seek treatment for both conditions? Urgent Dental Care vs. Emergency Treatment: What’s The Difference? Toothache Pain vs.

Can I wait to get my tooth treated?

If you experience severe pain, it may be time to consider a root canal. If you have lingering pain that won’t go away after days or weeks of treatment with over-the-counter medication and warm rinses, your tooth could be infected and in need of emergency treatment. It’s important to visit our dentist as soon as possible to prevent any further complications, such as spreading infection, discomfort or swelling. Your dentist will take a look at your tooth and determine if an emergency root canal is necessary based on your symptoms. Since there are many different causes for excruciating pain in teeth, your dentist can help you decide whether your dental problem is serious enough to warrant immediate action.

What Happens if I Don’t Get Treated Right Away?

If you don’t treat it right away, then you could end up in pain that lasts for months. And, if left untreated, your tooth could become infected. If you have an abscess or other infection inside your jawbone, that can also spread to surrounding teeth and cause further damage. In some cases, you may even need to have your tooth extracted if it’s no longer salvageable due to decay or injury. Don’t let these problems get out of hand—if you notice any symptoms of infection, head over to our practice right away! Otherwise, it may be too late to save your smile!

If It’s Painful, Should I See My Dentist Now?

First and foremost, if you’re in any pain at all, do not wait to see your dentist. Ideally, you should try to schedule with him as soon as possible. But when is as soon as possible and what exactly does it mean for pain? Before getting into specifics, let’s address why seeing your dentist ASAP is so important. A tooth that has become infected will begin releasing bacteria into your bloodstream. These pathogens may travel to other areas of your body, causing infections in vital organs like your heart or lungs. Because infection can cause sepsis—which can eventually lead to organ failure—it’s vitally important to treat dental issues right away if you experience them.

Will My Tooth Fall Out Without Treatment?

About one third of human teeth experience some kind of periodontal disease by age 35, according to research conducted at UCLA’s School of Dentistry. But you don’t have to live with it: According to dentist Dr. Keith Crandell from Ultimate Dental in Los Angeles, there are no pain receptors in teeth (although we can still feel pressure and other sensations) and nerves aren’t always affected by infection and decay, so unless you’re feeling pain, it doesn’t mean you’re going to lose your tooth any time soon. If your tooth has become sensitive or painful—or if you notice swelling or pus around your gums—you should see a dentist as soon as possible.

Do I Need Both Surgeries at the Same Time?

While it is possible to do both surgeries at once, we don’t recommend it. In fact, some experts say that one tooth should be done at a time to ensure better results and reduce complications. For example, if you underwent root canal surgery and then had implant surgery on your remaining teeth within six months or so of each other, there is a possibility that implant placement may not be optimal as you have recently lost bone due to having your wisdom teeth extracted. And if your implants don’t grow into place properly and well-anchored to healthy jawbone, then they are more likely to move or become loose over time.

What Happens in Emergency Root Canals?

The process of performing an emergency root canal usually lasts three to four hours, and is performed by a specialist known as an endodontist. This dentist has received special training in performing root canals and managing potential complications, such as infection. During the procedure, your entire tooth will be removed and cleaned out thoroughly with high-pressure water jets. The pulp chamber (the hollow center of your tooth) will be flushed out with antibacterial solutions, then filled with gutta percha (a soft rubber substance) and sealer. Next, your dentist will use high-speed drills to reshape your tooth into its original form.

Recovery from Emergency Root Canals

What You Need to Know for Pain Relief: Before you need to rush to an emergency room, you might want to consider getting in touch with your dentist. Any toothache that persists or gets worse after two days should be checked out by a professional as soon as possible. But what if it’s tooth pain that hits after two days, but isn’t so bad that you need immediate attention? Can you still go see your dentist or will it be impossible to get in because of your less-than-emergency status? The answer is probably not. Dentists are trained professionals and—as much as they care about their patients—they have very real time constraints in place for good reason.

About the author


Do you feel while smiling or eating at public places just because you are living with crooked teeth? Probably you tend to think that the only way to straighten your teeth is traditional metal braces. But these days with the advancement in technology give us some other options also such as cosmetic dentistry. If you’re not aware of cosmetic dentistry then you should discuss with a cosmetic dentist near me or you can visit URBN Dental clinic. We are one of the top-rated dentists in Uptown. In addition to being a cosmetic dentist, we also offer other dental services such as dental hygienist, periodontics, emergency dental services and some other highly effective dental services. At URBN Dental we always ensure that each of our patients’ receives excellent dental care that you deserve to have. We are located at 3510 Main St. Ste E, Houston, TX 77002 .To book an appointment with us either you can visit our website or call us at (346) 815-9995.

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